Vanessa Graulich 

Certified Math Teacher


Terms of use & Privacy Police

Acceptance of Terms

My eMath TutorSite(s) is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance without modification of terms, conditions, and notices contained herein. Your use of the My eMath Tutorwebsite(s) constitutes your agreement of all such terms, conditions, and notices.

Modification of These Terms
My eMath Tutor reserves the right at any time to change the terms, conditions and notices under which the My eMath Tutorsite(s) is offered, including but not limited to the changes associated with the use of the My eMath Tutorsite(s).

Cancellation Policy
As such, 24 hour notice is now required to either change or cancel a session at My eMath Tutor. This will give us an opportunity to better allocate and plan sessions for other students.
Failure to provide 24 hour notice will result in a $39 cancellation or missed appointment fee. We try to provide a courtesy reminder one day before your scheduled appointment to provide you an opportunity to make any changes necessary. We highly recommend updating us with the best email to ensure you are receiving such reminders.
If you must cancel a session within the 24 hour period please send us an email: or

User Account, Password, and Security
In this Agreement, "you" refers to the person who registers to become a user of the My eMath Tutorwebsite(s). You agree that all information you provide in the registration or otherwise is true, accurate, and complete. We reserve the right to refuse service for any or no reason whatsoever. To obtain some specific services, you may be required to designate a user ID and password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the ID and password and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your ID. You agree to notify My eMath Tutor immediately of any unauthorized use of your ID or password. You also agree to exit from your account at the end of each session fully. My eMath Tutor cannot be liable for any loss of damage resulting from your failure to do so.

The trademarks and logos used on the website(s)are owned by My eMath Tutor. No use of any My eMath Tutor trademark is permitted without an expressed written consent.

No Resale of Service

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, or resell for any commercial purposes any portion of the services, use of the services, or access to the services.