Vanessa Graulich 

Certified Math Teacher


GRE® (Graduated Record Examination)



Number properties

Factors and Multiples

Expressions and equations

Ratio, Rates and Proportions

Units Conversion


Word Problems

Elementary &

Intermediate Algebra

Linear Expressions 

Linear Equations

Properties of Exponents and Square roots

Quadratic Equations

System of equations and Inequalities


Advance Algebra

Coordinate & Plane geometry

Distance between points


Building the equation of the line 

Finding the slope and intercepts

Graphing and understanding functions

Graphing and understanding parabolas and circles


Lines and Angles

Polygon and triangles

The GRE® has 2 Quantitative Sections

of 20 questions each

(35 minutes per section) 

The math section focuses on:

          Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, basic statistics and data analysis.

The concepts are basic, however, the student needs to apply strategy and mental math to master the question in a given time. 

What is the GRE?

The GRE® test is taken for most students as an application for Grad School 

The Verbal (V) and Quantitative (Q) portions of the GRE® are scored between 130-170

No Calculator is allowed.   

The test will have a computer calculator, however, the test is designed to use your mental math and logic.

Most of the questions are designed for logical and critical thinking instead of heavy calculations. 


Data Analysis 

Methods of Presenting Data 

Central measurements: 

Median, Mean, Mode

Counting Methods


Random Variables 

Distribution of Data 

Probability Distribution

Data Interpretation

There are many online resources to study for the GRE®.
        Here you will find a Math Review from the ETS® website.It is a great tool if you need to review and understand the concepts for the GRE® test.

The PowerPrep II is a software that resembles the real test.

Official GRE® Math Resources


I highly recommend you to buy these two books. They offer official GRE® material.